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Falling into place, if a bit forcibly.

I've blogged a couple times now about my efforts to build some routines into my life. I think getting myself to do my chores and stuff will get easier when it's part of a routine versus just free floating.

It's all still a work in progress, massively so, but I'm experimenting with different setups to see what feels right. Some are just making time and space in my day to do things I would or should do normally--showering, brushing teeth, etc. Other things take me out of my usual behavior and don't have to be done--doing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, making my bed, etc.

I imagine normal people have no trouble with this stuff. But I'm both forgetful and avoidant. As soon as I'm out of bed, I'm liable to forget it all but entirely, leaving it unmade and rushing off to whatever's next. Even if I remember it or see it or think of it throughout the day, I consciously choose not to remake it. I suppose it feels tedious or distracting or something. Whatever the reason, my bed never gets made. The same fate awaits most other chores, too.

So what I've been doing is making my bed as soon as I get out of it. Then, as I'm already there and on my knees, I do my morning prayers, too. So that's two things down within 5 minutes. It's been getting done without too much trouble, and I feel doubly good about the day to boot.

Exactly what comes next, though, is still a bit in development. Possibilities include showering, etc; breakfast, etc; and blogging & writing, etc.

Today I got up, got the kettle going and a cup with the tea bag and spoon, then set about putting together my cheerios + greek yogurt + half a banana. By the time I was done eating that, the kettle was hot enough for the tea.

But I felt kinda spacey and a bit gross. So I'm tempted to try doing the shower thing first again. I think I'll try a variation, though: After I shower, I invariably do my astringent and moisturizer routine, obviously, but then lately I've followed directly with the nasal flush and brushing teeth parts. I'm thinking I'll try breaking those off until after I've eaten. For one, it frees up the bathroom for everyone else. Always a good thing. For another, it gets me out of this bloody robe sooner. I'm sweating my ball off in this thing!

All this seems tedious, I'm sure. As I've said, though, I think it's my best shot at getting these things in order and done. It gives me a solid start taking care of all these things. That's invaluable for me; a bad, unclean start can throw off everything, enabling all kinds of avoidance to crop up. Instead, I start the day on a responsible foot and go from there. Not too shabby, really.


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