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Illegitmate offspring (of proper discourse).

So I remember when I read about this whole war on contraceptives/religious liberty in a New Yorker article and thought "Ah, well that's a sucky red herring", and kinda expected that to be that.

Apparently it's, like, a big deal or stuff.

Although I'm sure many conservatives legitimately oppose this--that is, as a matter of personal beliefs and not simply political sleight of hand--it still feels shifty to me. As the USA Today article points out, despite all the infighting and bloodletting in the Republican Primary, this issue "was a battle cry the divided party could bellow in unison".

It seems, too, like a case of a loud minority acting like a victimized majority. USA Today quoted a Fox poll demonstrating "61%, of Americans approve of requiring employer health plans to cover birth control for women". Approve. Only 34% disapprove.

I hope, as that New Yorker article I originally read had, that it isn't an enduring distraction, that we get back to real real issues or talking about issues in a a real way. It's sadly typical, though, and a tendency only exaggerated by/for the upcoming election.

It's a legitimate issue, I'm sure, I just wish it felt like a legitimate discussion.


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