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I may love Meryl Streep, but this is ridiculous.

I just got out of an interview for an administrative assistant/file processing position at a law firm. I was getting nightmare visions that I'd be working for Meryl Streep from Devil Wears Prada--apparently life comprises two major areas of interest for her: practicing law and her cats. (Actually, the latter doesn't sound so bad; I do love cats afterall, mreow ^.^)

But she's a very busy, very intense person, I hear. Sounds kinda cool, too, in her way I suppose. But very demanding.

It's a parttime position but it'd be from like 2 to 7pm every weekday. I have no idea how American Eagle would feel about that arrangement 0.0

I'm glad I didn't let myself get too freaked out by the descriptions I was given. At one point in the second part of the interview, the lady I was talking to explained that I would come into work and find three trays of stuff to do--"Critical", "Due by...", and "Other"--and that therein the instructions for each thing would be quite explicit--eg, scan, or scan and copy, or triple hole-punch. That actually doesn't sound so bad frankly.

Still, though. Something makes me really nervous--maybe that it'd be my first office job? maybe it'd be the most responsibility any one job has ever put on me? (we are talking immigration law here....)

I feel like this is the kind of job where I could either flourish happily or crack & burn terribly.

I like systematic, task-oriented stuff--I do well with that; I can respond remarkably well at times to deadlines, usually when the project/procedure is clearly laid out.

Historically, however, I haven't always fared well under strict deadlines crossed with high, multi-form stress, esp when the likes of our Meryl Streep start getting on my case about stuff....

But wasn't that more of a problem with essay courses, where the sequence was muddier and mostly came down to my own discretion? and wasn't that more of a problem back when I took things so personally, and my ego bruised like soft fruit? So maybe it's such ancient/passed history that it's irrelevant to who I am today? Isn't it possible I might actually enjoy working there? And isn't it still all up in the air, too? Who knows if they'll even end up asking me back for the second interview, nevermind hiring me! So isn't it a little premature to go get myself all freaked out over any of it, really...?

hmm.... :)


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