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Bo Dean is a Funny Man

So I was up all night and at one point I watched this porn I'd recently gotten--Cocksure Men's "The Gay Coach 7", starring Bo Dean and some poor bastard.

As a porn star, naturally he has a big dick. From the way he was...thrusting it... it seems he certainly knows how to use it. He just likes using it to hurt ur butt. He's undeniably an irl troll, and fucking hilarious about it.

See, Bo's fucking this guy who's crying out in obvious pain--and the entire time Bo's having ball, smiling at the guy's...discomfort. See, Bo didn't want the boy to be in abject, bloody agony apparently--afterall the guy wasn't screaming. No, just making pained groans and grunts, an unrelieved punctuation of "ow!"s "fucks!" and "oh God--!"s. I even skipped around looking for that magic point when the bottom wold stop butthurting and start buttwanting. That moment never came (giggity).

I almost had to pity the guy, except it was just too lulzy. He's got enough shame to deal with, making this (cheap?) porn for everyone to watch without Bo making him look like an utter pussy. As you can see, Bo's not really the kinda guy you can just push off ya once he's gotten into his "groove". So this bottom's got Bo's dick rudely up his ass, and he's stuck with it cuz he's getting paid. It was strangely farcical and definitely lulzy. I especially love the look on his face when Bo's nearing the big finish and starts really going to town on the guy's aching ass; he had this look of pure "Oh Jesus God--it actually got worse....!?".

Now you might be thinking "Oh, it must be one of those kinda pornz". Maybe.... But I doubt it: At the end, after finally cumming, the bottom slaps the mat somewhat angrily, glaring and grumbles "You motherfucker! Ugh! ....goddamnit" as Bo continues feeling him up and grinding, saying, "Yeah, that was a pretty good workout, eh?" See, the boy just fed the troll, and you just baaaarely glimpse Bo's total shit-eating grin as he gets off him. So at least we can be sure that somebody had a good time.... everything turned out better than exception!


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