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Briefly, if I may.

I need to get to the doings soon so I guess I can't talk for long. I guess I can't really talk, period, but meh....I need to get blogging again.

I had an interesting time downtown yesterday.

I finally finished reading my book (Graham Greene's The Heart of the Matter) and it was thoroughly excellent. I'm still mulling it over some. That last chunk was...real interesting. I like the whole book, regardless of what I may or may not think about the way it ends, adn frankly I like it too, but I might also love it. It's kinda a funny feeling to have after finishing a book.

I also got a bunch of random literary ideas. The comfort of limbs. Transitions and moving on, the shouldn't-be surprise of it. A funny way to complain about one's dick size. Some further thoughts on other projects I've been known to fiddle with of late.

I also got a "bit lost downtown" in that way I enjoy. You know, taking a wrong--either by choice or by accident (accident this time, but well intended, honestly)--and enjoying following where my feet lead me as I (sort of :P) head wherever I thought I was supposed to be going. One sees such funny things about a city this way.

All quite satisfying, really.

I'm also really glad I went to the meeting I did; I made a(nother!) cool new friend. I also had a lovely time catching up with some people I hadn't seen and so forth. I really need to go to more meetings. I start missing so much about them when I don't go that it's kinda criminal to not go (to more)....

Ah, well, we do as we can as we must, I guess.


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