See, I hardly understand the whole prince of Persia weirdnesses, but the combination of a (polite) Lady Gaga Parody and the sheer presence of LisaNova made me very happy. I'm sure I'm just suffering from the initial giddiness, but I'm till gonna post this shit.
So yeah, I almost forgot New Years' was up & coming until about Wednesday. So I made some last minute plans based on what I found out from friends. There was some play and then a dance after; I couldn't afford the play, but the dance was free so naturally I crashed that part of the festivities. so, bullettime--in brief: up: I had a fucking blast by the end of it. Danced in the New Year, kissed people (only pecking; a bit lame, I guess, but hotter than nothing), and otherwise enjoyed myself quite exhuastively. down: Despite appearances, I can be painfully shy. I ended up meandering the snack/coffee area for like 20minutes because I knew no one. Well, almost no one; the few I did know kept disappearing on me.... up: I eventually did find some people I knew. After talking for a while we got to the dancing. We rocked that place hard core. down-ish: I guess I didn't get much better at breaking out of my shell.... down-ish: Hell, I still struggled, as usual, to get int...
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