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lol what - and yay!

We'll get to the lulz in a second but first...I gotta brag a bit. "brag" may be a bit overwrought a word, actually, but still. I'm fucking stoked, dude.

See, I ordered a wireless keyboard for my computer, and it arrived yesterday. And it works like sex on toast, baby.

My old keyboard was just that--old. And wired. The latter wasn't such a bother until I set up the new desk, as you'll understand in a just moment. Meanwhile the keys stuck--don't even start--and made a shitton of noise (I only fully realized how obnoxious this was when I started using the new keyboard) and otherwise looked ugly and out of place.

Also, I had a plan. See, the middle bit of the new desk's desktop is actually a flap that lifts up to reveal....well, a space. A sort of drawer. A place to put things (away), like, oooooh....say....a wireless keyboard & mouse when they're not in use/not needed? Oh yeah. It looks fabulous when everything's put away.

So yeah, the new keyboard is gorgeous and awesome and I love it immensely.

So, now for the lulz...

So my dad linked me to this article a while ago but I only just realized this. It reminds me, lulzily, of the 2007 Boston "bomb scare" except less funny and more stupid. It also strikes me as a more reasonable response, I guess, since they only shut down just the one station instead of, say, the entire Metro system, but still. I gotta use more italics or you won't see my point.

I am amused, though, that apparently the people covering the incident don't agree with me. Making people walk in the frigid cold to bypass one station is so unbearable! So what if half of Boston once got shut down for Great Justice!

On a side note, you know something that kinda bums me about that whole Boston "bomb" scare? It was the day after my 20th birthday but I didn't find out about it until at least 6 months later, maybe even as much as a year or more. (Funny thing, for years my mom was convinced my birthday was the 31st and not the 30th, so it sorta almost was my birthday, not just the day after!)

Happy Birthday. Sigh.


  1. Yay! Now when I come over, I don't have to blank stare at your grampa keyboard while you talk to me! :D


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