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Don't make me finish it, pt. 2. (Multi-Facial)

I'll post later fur reelz, but I wanted to say I did end up finishing Multi-Facial. Not surprisingly it's got a non-ending sort of ending. Somehow I couldn't imagine Vin mustering the creative assets to actually write an ending. Scratch that, I couldn't have imagined him mustering the creative assets to write anything, but apparently he wrote this. And directed it. And produced it.

Not that it's any kind of accomplishment. Afterall he raps. Seriously. Watch it. It's about a minute into that upload. You cannot imagine how bad it could be until you've seen it; it's much worse.

As I mentioned before, the whole thing feels like he's jerking himself off real nice and slow. Every scene someone says "Oh, you're very good!" even though he never gets cast in anything. That plus his (character's) insistence on being an ACTOR--he compares himself with various Greats in acting. At one point a girl he auditions with suggests he try out for some soaps, but he turns it down saying "Marlon Brando never did soaps!"

I feel like I wrote about that already. Oh well.

Point is I feel like this movie has two purposes, each half-assed at that. As mentioned, part is some kind of weird ego stroking. The other I had somewhat noticed from the first 3/4 I'd already seen and from a line from his rap, but after seeing his 3rd audition's monologue, I got to wondering.

See, first audition: he's a raging misogynist guido. I think those are even the words he whines to his 'manager' with after. In the second audition: he plays a fat-lipped (seriously, he's sticking out his lowerlip and abdomen....) bitchslapping type hispanic guy. But in that third audition....apparently his character just isn't black enough. Yeah, so it's slightly less absurd sounding in context, but still.

I think the other point of Multi-Facial is to completely fuck with whatever ethnicity you thought Vin Diesel was. I kept wondering, "Wait, what is his heritage, exactly...?" We all got the monosyllabic Brooklynite or whatever, but beyond his probable neanderthall heritage...?

I could look it up, but I enjoy the mystery.


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