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Ballin' like a g.

No, not really, but I did have a blast last night and damn proud of it. Three friends and I hit up some gay joints in town and made a night of it. Wonderful times were had and friendships were deepened. Except with Parker, who was clearly too straight to be cool like the rest of us. Bitch wouldn't even fake dance. But we forgiae him because he's sweet.

See, I don't normally do stuff like this. I'm secretly kind of shy and a bit timid. Like a lot a bit. But it's something I want to do more--go out with friends, mingle with queers, check out hotties, get my ass grabbed now and then by weirdos (and occasionally hotties). It's a good time and something I know I don't do enough of.

So when my friend Matthew invited me out, I jumped at it. When I got Aaron and Parker on board, I got pretty stoked. Part of why I never go out like this is, as I said, that shyness and stuff; having friends to go with, people to feel comfortable around--it's what I need to get me out the door and in the club.

And it's gotten better every time I've gone--easier too. The more I've been to JR's and Cobalt, the less scary and intimidating they've gotten. Soon I'll strippin' my shirt off and grinding with strange boys like all the hottest clubbers do. Obviously.

But, for realzies, it was nice not only spending a night out for a change but spending it bonding with my friends. I spend a lot of time with them but I'll bet they get bored of sitting on my bed every time watching movies and cartoons off my computer. And last night really showed me how much fun we could have out of the house and among the gays and guys.We joked, we laughed, we almost danced (except for Parker who, again, is just too straight sometimes), and even got hit on by guys/flirted back. Evidently, jointly engaging other people is a great way to get closer to the people you already know.

I do wanna go out again. Not sure when, but soon. I feel bolder--like I might actually talk to someone I didn't come to the club with. A stranger. Perhaps even a hot one. Scary! But increasingly likely. And that's pretty exciting--and enticing--as far as I'm concerned.


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