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A brand new old me.

I used to be that guy who knew the news. Really, really knew what was up in the world.

Like, every day I'd read the Washington Post, The New York Times, stuff from the Guardian, and various news/analysissy blogs. I was a Journalism hopeful at the time, so these things were basically mandated reading. (I was also eagerly avoidant, then, and so this was a wonderfully purposeful means of killing time.)After I failed that journalism class, that habit fell by the wayside.

But I've always missed it. Partly, that wonderful feeling of being knowledgeable; partly, also, that ability to explain important things/current events to other people. I felt I had a grasp on the world around me, which for a out-and-out space cadet like me is something kinda mind boggling.

I'm not sure why I never quite picked up the habit/news-bug again. I think I always thought it'd be such a time commitment (indeed, reading even just the A sections or frontpages of all dem papers can get a bit intense...) or maybe I simply forgot to.

Yesterday, I spent maybe 30 minutes, or a bit more, following some links from my twitter feed to some articles--and almost instantly tasted some of that old, familiar in-the-know-ness. It felt so good; I've been only vaguely, occasionally aware of the goings on recently I haven't been following, that have gone on developing and happening beyond my awareness. Even following up just a bit on only a few of them, as I did yesterday morning, felt so awesome.

I don't know if I'll get back to my old level of insane news-fever, but I do think I've found an easier way to keep current.

It used to be I had the front page RSS feeds for all those news publications in my feed reader, and I'd scroll through it on my laptop and read the ones that interested me. Using a feed reader actually isn't all that bad a method--you always know you're following sources you trust, that you've personally selected.

But for now I think I'll settle with the news feed widget I put on my phone yesterday. It brings in top stories in various categories from virtually all the same sources--and even a few others I don't mind reading terribly, either--and does so simply.

I hope that spending even 10 or 15 minutes a day browsing what's up will be enough to keep me on top of my smarts/satisfied. That's not too hard, right? Soon enough, I'll be all impressive & knowledgeable all over again, just like I used to be; soon enough, I'll be explaining what's going on with OWS or in Congress or in whatever completely overblown and ridiculous scandal is big.

I suppose I might want to look closer at why that feeling is so alluring, so satisfying. Knowing what's going on and having people come to me like some news analyst. Perhaps it's a need to impress or have someone(s) rely on me; maybe it's even a desire to feel somehow superior.

Frankly, though, at this point I just don't want to get left behind by the goings on of the world anymore. I think I'll just focus on that for now.


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