It's, like, been a month or stuff, hasn't it? Things were middley for a bit but now the going's getting good.
I hardly understand where these funks of mine come from, but they can be f'ing sneaky. I think I was, as usual, feeling left out, unsatisfied, and stuck. That's pretty typical or me I guess.
Thing is that funkness isn't the whole reason I wasn't posting. Things got kinda hectic somehow. Like, I was doin' a lot of hardcore stuff at work and rushin' around, and what freetime was left was absorbed by the funk, Pokémon, and the odd proactive thing. Muchly weird.
But onto the gooder stuff!
So I finally got my resume together. Thank fucking Jesus. My sponse is looking it over but I feel it's overall so much better than my previous ones. It certainly helps that now I can say stuff like "totally rocks at American Eagle".
Last week Parker, Kial, and I all went to see Finding Nemo in Wheaton Plaza and then Lifeforce at the AFI Silver. Fuckin love that place, man. And love those movies! (Btw, it was kinda cute seeing Parker cry at Nemo and Kial claim she hated Lifeforce even though she'd been laughing at its goofiness as much as anyone else in the theater :P)
Incidentally I started taking fish oil supplements again; I always gave up on them in the past because of how loopy and extra spacey I always felt the first day on them. This time I've stuck with them longer, and frankly I'm blown away. I feel so much more up and ready and focused and motivated and stuff--and, mindblowingly enough, consistently so. Like even when I start to feel fatigued now, I'm still somewhat alert and functional. It's madness, and awesome. :-)
Big News: go to my litty blog to read all the fantastically awesome shit about the poetry I've been writing and my interest in & ambitions regarding reading at open mics. It's pretty intense, man; I'd started writing it here but I felt it was digressing, if interestingly, from whatever the rest of this post had been about. Plus I neglect the lit blog waaay worse than this one so it's about time I put something there. So go there now.
In sum: I'm really proud of myself and how I've been working on this recent poem; it makes me feel like such a grownup writer :)
Also: I don't just want to read my poetry; I want to enact each line with force & sincerity. And imagining myself doing so has helped immensely with how I approach my poetry.
I hardly understand where these funks of mine come from, but they can be f'ing sneaky. I think I was, as usual, feeling left out, unsatisfied, and stuck. That's pretty typical or me I guess.
Thing is that funkness isn't the whole reason I wasn't posting. Things got kinda hectic somehow. Like, I was doin' a lot of hardcore stuff at work and rushin' around, and what freetime was left was absorbed by the funk, Pokémon, and the odd proactive thing. Muchly weird.
But onto the gooder stuff!
So I finally got my resume together. Thank fucking Jesus. My sponse is looking it over but I feel it's overall so much better than my previous ones. It certainly helps that now I can say stuff like "totally rocks at American Eagle".
Last week Parker, Kial, and I all went to see Finding Nemo in Wheaton Plaza and then Lifeforce at the AFI Silver. Fuckin love that place, man. And love those movies! (Btw, it was kinda cute seeing Parker cry at Nemo and Kial claim she hated Lifeforce even though she'd been laughing at its goofiness as much as anyone else in the theater :P)
Incidentally I started taking fish oil supplements again; I always gave up on them in the past because of how loopy and extra spacey I always felt the first day on them. This time I've stuck with them longer, and frankly I'm blown away. I feel so much more up and ready and focused and motivated and stuff--and, mindblowingly enough, consistently so. Like even when I start to feel fatigued now, I'm still somewhat alert and functional. It's madness, and awesome. :-)
Big News: go to my litty blog to read all the fantastically awesome shit about the poetry I've been writing and my interest in & ambitions regarding reading at open mics. It's pretty intense, man; I'd started writing it here but I felt it was digressing, if interestingly, from whatever the rest of this post had been about. Plus I neglect the lit blog waaay worse than this one so it's about time I put something there. So go there now.
In sum: I'm really proud of myself and how I've been working on this recent poem; it makes me feel like such a grownup writer :)
Also: I don't just want to read my poetry; I want to enact each line with force & sincerity. And imagining myself doing so has helped immensely with how I approach my poetry.
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