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Losing it.

Besides the obvious and infuriating irony of the situation, I think part of why losing my wallet upset me as much as it did was due to my long, frustrating habit of losing things. Usually at bad times. Or so my brain tells me.

It probably comes as no surprise that I'm a bit absent-minded, harebrained even. A nutty professor type (crossed with strains of Hunter S. Thompson and Joan Didion, or so I console myself). That I lose things--lots--is just part of my shtick. But it's really fucking annoying most of the time.

Recently I've lost three-ish things that were of moderate to significant importance to me,

  1. the aforeblogged wallet
  2. my housekeys (which also had a copy of my bike key and the little scanny thing for the gym)
  3. my bike light (that thing was badass).

Sigh. It's just frustrating. And sucky. And it keeps happening. I wonder if it's a problem of personal organization? Or stuff? Probably. But that would prolly require some organization on my part to get myself organized into re-organizing things better. That's too much effort.

I could blame it on not having my own (contiguous) space. Like, the opposite phenomenon--the stalagmite of clothes that accumulates on my desk chair every week--happens for that reason: I head for bed and take off my pants and shirt and stuff and fall into bed/sleep. If my actual changing area weren't some 40ft away, behind a door, around a corner, maybe this stuff would end up somewhere at least half sensible? Hm.

Anyway, thought I'd gripe randomly about this some more. I've found the more I blog, the more traffic I get. I like getting traffic because it makes me feel loved. I like feeling loved.

Anyways, have a great weekend, everyone!


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