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A little expectoration.

One of my new goals now that I have a real job is spending more time writing and such. Other things include, of course, such mandated activities as working out and going out, but those should be obvious given my demographics (young[ish], gay male, etc.).

But writing is something different; it was one of my firsts loves, an early passion. And it still means a lot to me, even if papers for school represent most of my recent writerly output. So, in the interest of writing more, I might as well try going back to where it all began--blogging.

I'd like to think that's where I really got a taste of writing and began honing my skills. That being said, it was also a place where I vented a lot of inappropriate stuff. Either letting loose a volley of unwarranted hostility or sharing things that weren't my business to be sharing or simply lacking the discretion to cover my own ass and stay out of trouble. I was a mess back through most of that; I was something crazy--and it showed.

That being said, what ought I blog about now? I'm not going to be dishing on my latest crush or love triangle; vent my latest meltdown or declare my miraculous turn around. I think general reflections might be better, if I go down that road at all.

I think, too, I can use this space as an area to explore & express my thoughts about art and culture, such as books or TV shows I like (or don't). That seems an especially fruitful avenue by my estimation. Anyone who knows me knows I can have some pretty strong, or at least articulated, feels about the media I consume, and I wouldn't mind putting it all in one place for anyone interested.

So maybe that's what I'll do: reflections and reviews. I'd also like to write other things--poetry, I hope, or even fiction, if I dare--but getting to that point of creative output can take some practice, some regularity. Even if writing those kinds of things is just for fun, it can't hurt to write more casually in the form of blog posts to get me there.

(Also, I'll have to update this blog's lay out now that I'm no longer using "facepalmer." Hm....)


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