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Parenthetical therapies.

So I checked out a potential new psychologist today. She seemed pretty cool; nice southern accent that reminds me of an old coworker I don't see nearly enough of these days.

Today we got through my (riveting) developmental story (aka, origin story) and some other basics; next week we hope to cover goals and major issues in better depth. I'm sure that overview satisfies everyone's curiosity.

I'm also hoping (ie, need to get my ass motivated) to email that ADD coach from earlier in the semester. She seemed pretty sharp and even the little I actually made use of her helped. And as the semester has worn on I can feel my time management skills (lack of) eroding my serenity and stuff.

All the same, school itself is going pretty well. Most of my papers and exams have been gratifying, mostly, and where they've been lacking I can pretty clearly see my lack of focus contributing (furthering my want of an ADD coach).

In other news, my friends and I signed a lease last night for a house we'll start renting this summer. It's ludicrously close to campus--about a 6min walk to central campus. Marcel will be joining us in this (little) house. I'm pretty sure he's down for it. He's down for anything involving food and snuggles. God, I wish men were that simple.

Speaking of, I was dating a guy and it was pretty good, but we realized we were better as friends. Each of us is also at a very transitional point in our lives, so trying to develop a relationship is probably unwise anyway (as if it weren't frustrating enough already). It kinda sucks, but he's an awesome guy and I'm glad we could avoid spoiling a good friendship by forcing a romantic element.

I've started writing poetry again. It feels really good. If I were more into the whole "My higher power has a plan for me..." I'd probably say that writing was somewhere in that plan. I know I'm a competent writer (some tell me I'm even pretty good) and I enjoy it. Writing poetry has been wonderful; kind of a mix, though, of confusing thoughts and beautiful words at times, but enjoyable to engage. If you're curious what I've been writing, you can check it out over on the other blog.

Work has been treating me well, but I wonder if it's about time I move on to something a little less...minimum wagey. That would be pretty sweet. Having more than merely negligible sums in my bank account would definitely be pretty sweet.

We'll see how that goes. For now, I guess I'm wandering away again. Laters.


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