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Twitter Suspension: Day 4 or 5

It's all become a blur since I lost my twitter account. I don't know how to carry myself anymore or how to handle ordinary situations. I'm just a mess. A softly weeping, crooning mess cradling my android with loving pity and confusion.

It's not all that bad but I am kinda thrown by all this. As I mentioned in the video below, it's as much that old feeling of having "lost some part of me" as it is the losing the ability to complain to all my friends about it, too.

At this point I'm considering making a "jail" account to use until (when? if?) my old one is reinstated. Hilariously, my biggest problem isn't whether to make it but what to name it. Ahaha. Ha.

Yeah, I'm a little frustrated. Frustrated that it's taking them so long to check out an obvious mistake. Like, I emailed them giving them my best guess/explanation about what might have happened, even apologized, including most everything they'd need to scope it out. And still not so much as a peep. As far as my support ticket goes, its status still reads "In Progress". Sigh.

Bitter? Maybe. Probably. I just wanna tweet so much crap. But I can't.

I could be using this time to, say, investigate why I feel so frustrated and bitter--what apparent "need" is being stymied by all this but I'm not. For other reasons, as well, I've been funking off recently, and that opportunity for growth or learning or whatever is as much a casualty of my general grumblings as my 4th step, my workouts, my job hunt, or my writing.

This one just sucks the most ironically.

Anyway, here's the video about it I uploaded the other day:


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