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I'm on my way to the lakehouse in Connecticut for a week of hard labor and heavy writing. Should be fun--and lovely as fuck. The temperature should be about 20 degrees cooler than back home. Plus the lake/woods are so tranquil and favorite place in the world.

Meanwhile I'll have a 3 hour wait in NYC, that city I love that city I hate.... Thankfully I won't be left utterly on my own to mope and weep and otherwise fail: my friend Lucas and I are going to grab coffee between mah buses ^.^

Yesterday my sponsor and I started my fifth step; we got a good chunk into my Resentments, but still have a ways to go. All the same, it was a good solid start. I'm excited to keep working on it when I get back.

(For those that don't know the 5th step is wjhere you meet with your sponsor and go through the personal inventory you wrote during the 4th step.)

Anywway, I'll have to remember to post that poem I wrote. I've been reading a lot of Frost and have found his brilliant sense of meter & verse wonderfully infectious. The poem as a whole is called "Wanderlust" and although most people assumeit's about my ex, it all came about one morning when I woke reflecting on atavistic urges to wander, escape. The first section, "To Dream", is in iambic pentameter and all nostalgic and Frosty. The second section alternates lines of trimeter and catalectic tetrameter (ie, 3 & 3.5 feet--or, basically, 6 & 7 syllables). I hope it doesn't feel contrived, changing the structure so much, but I decided I was hoping to convey a sense of loss, of something missing....I guess XD Originally I tried making it pentameter as well but the lines--they just wouldn't fit! Hahaha

Anyway, I hope to do lots of writing when not too busy helping my grandma out. I've got a short story and a good couple poems in the works, so I got some good stuff to look forward to :)
Well, here's hoping!


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